The #1 way to bring joy back into your business


Feel like you need to add in a little joy and spark into your business? My favourite way to bring joy into my business is well.......gratitude. Seems pretty simple and a little bit fluffy, BUT trust me it works.

I was listening to a podcast by Kerwin Rae and he was speaking with an entrepreneur who had lost his wife. One of the most difficult things that could happen to anyone and he was still able to practice gratitude. He expressed how he was just so grateful to have ever met her and had her in his life.

"Those who have the ability to be grateful are the ones who have the ability to achieve greatness". - Steve Maraboli.

It made me think about how I bring gratitude as a daily business habit to ensure I stay within my joy. Whenever I'm feeling frustrated or stuck, I just go straight back to gratitude. How I'm grateful that I get to work from home, how I'm grateful that I get to be with my family.

Maybe you're not in a place in your business where you feel you have achieved much yet. When I started out and was seeing my family LESS and was working more than ever before, I was still grateful. I was grateful I had found a business that had the potential to get me closer to my dreams.  I was grateful that I could work with people that I adored. Theres always something to be grateful for.

I’ve found that the people that are the most grateful are always the people that can move through difficult situations with more ease.

What are you grateful for in your business?


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